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A unique pathway to a wilder way of living

April to September
Devon, UK


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Part 2

River Camp

5 days in May

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Part 3

Coast Camp

5 days in July

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Part 4

Wild Living Camp

7 days in Sept

The Old Way Immersion
is a deep dive into the concept of rewilding,
exploring the hunter-fisher-gatherer life-ways of our ancestors
in a modern context,
living with nature now, for a more resilient future. 

The recent trajectory of humanity since 12,000BP, through the agricultural, industrial and technological revolutions, has occluded our deep bond with the land. Over many centuries, in the human quest for comfort and efficiency, each successive generation has gradually forgotten a land-based wisdom that was a million years in the making.  

Not that long ago, in evolutionary terms, every 5 year old would have known every plant in their environment for its edibility or crafting possibilities, the calls of all the birds, how to read the skies and animal tracks, catch fish and trap small game.  

These are the things we come into the world expecting to learn, our bodies are primed for them, for walking long distances each day or spending hours on the forest floor gathering nuts, for using our hands to make useful things or sitting by a fire hearing the voices of other tribe members.

The Old Way Immersion is a re-introduction to this profoundly connected way of life.  

It’s made up of 4 camps in different ecosystems in Devon, UK.

Find out more about them here:


These UK gatherings are part of a 6 month immersive programme and are not available individually.

There are many aspects to hunter-gatherer life and our particular focus on this course is on food procurement and deep connection to the land through practical engagement,  seeking to find our place once again within our ecology: human beings as a keystone species, living lightly as part of nature.  

Immerse yourself in the ancient arts of hunting, fishing and foraging, tracking and bird language, primitive crafts, movement and mindfulness in the landscape, weaving together the different threads of rewilding philosophy, both intellectually and in practice, and aligning yourself with your personal indigeny.

The Old Way Immersion is hosted by Emily Fawcett and Charlie Loram joined by experienced outdoor guides 

  Robin Bowman, Jessie Watson-Brown, Linda Lemieux, Emma Beard and Sharif Adams.  More About Us.

Past guest contributors include Bruce Parry, Martin Shaw, Jon Young and Mac Macartney.

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"I feel like I started this course with an unknown ember left from my ancestors and The Old Way ignited it into a beautiful flame in my heart. I will be forever grateful to the people that run this course, it's extraordinary."   Jeni 2022


“An amazing life changing experience, physically and emotionally challenging, highly rewarding and transformational, learning from people who are highly skilled and authentic to their values and craft, creating a beautiful community.”  Flora 2018

“ ‘I made a basket’, ‘We sang by the fire’, ‘We were shown animal tracks’, ‘We made fire & cooked meat from a deer we butchered over it’, ‘We met some plants, & listened to birdsong.’
All are true, & at the same time, all fall woefully short to describe what unfurled on the land over those first 5 days. Threads & connections in many directions. Whole lot of gratitude. Thankyou, The Old Way.”  Joe 2024

Thank you both again, you are extraordinary!!  Satya 2024

Just wanted to say thank you for another brilliant trip. This whole thing has far exceeded my expectation. Charlie and Emily and the whole team are amazing. I have felt a real tilt in my perception of the world and my place in it. Amazing, really.  Jo 2024

"I can't tell you how transformed I feel by the Immersion –  there is a rekindled joy in the every day, and a feeling of bravery that I think comes through connectedness that I am LOVING. There is also a deep feeling of peace in learning skills and finding my niche in the tribe. What you have created is so special and you hold it so well. I have SO MUCH GRATITUDE."  Clare 2024

“This WILL change your life.”  Josh 2018

Cost of next Immersion TBC (approx £3000)
This price includes 2 meals per day, all accomodation, activities, tuition, materials and group equipment hire.
A deposit of £500 will be required to secure your place. Payment plans are available.
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